Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ex-Servicemen Are Special:

Worthy Agents for Make in India

My article published on Rediff on 18 Mar 2016

During interaction with MBA students at an IIT, I asked “Do you know any national industry bigger than the Indian Air Force?” I expected someone would name the Indian Railways - there was only inquisitive silence. So I continued “I know one, and that is the Indian Army. However, when you consider sophistication and size, there are few that match the Indian Air Force. But, you don’t consider military an industry because we don’t make money! Most management philosophies have originated from the military. You may not wish to join the Armed Forces, but inclusion of pioneering military logistics & supply chain management philosophies will enrich your studies and research”.

Countrymen naturally see the Armed Forces as Combat Forces comprising infantry/ artillery/ warships/ submarines/ fighter planes. We fail to see the huge industrial world behind icons like infantrymen, submariners and fighter pilots. Without adequate industrial capability to balance, the Indian Army would be something like a paramilitary outfit while the Indian Air Force would be akin to Indigo Airlines, which depends on Sri Lankan facility for routine aircraft servicing.

Army Base Workshops, Naval Dockyards and Air Force Base Repair Depots, carryout hi-tech work of Maintenance/ Repair/ Overhauls (MRO). Besides Depot Maintenance, especially on Air Force bases, Naval ships and special Army units, engineers handle technology superior to most industrial houses. Army engineers specialize in specific streams like operational aspects of Engineering and Signals (communications and IT) or maintenance support to Electrical & Mechanical systems of the Army. Engineers in the Navy specialize in Marine Engineering, Electrical systems or Aviation Engineering. Each one is among the best in their respective disciplines. Air Force engineers from the Aeronautical Engineering branch have a purview covering a range of systems wider than any other contemporary industry. Fighter/ transport aircraft, helicopters, missiles, radars, communication, IT, Electronic Warfare systems, real time avionics software and flight testing & certification make a huge scope of responsibilities. One engineer excelling in at least three or more fields is a common occurrence.

Questions are often raised about the quality of engineering graduates joining the Armed Forces. Let me not delve into the reasons, some of which are evident and well known to the national leadership. Let us look at whether engineers in Armed Forces measure up to the assigned tasks. The answer is an emphatic yes’. A sizeable number of Armed Forces Engineers regularly undertake Post Graduate studies at IITs. Many come out in the top 10%, a few literally topping the list with a flawless CGPA of 10. Armed Forces engineering institutions groom the incoming engineers at par with the best elsewhere. These engineers should therefore be known by invaluable tags representing their respective Army, Navy and Air Force institutions.

Everyone in the private sector does not reach the Vice President or CEO level. But, one does not face embarrassment in being visibly compared with those running ahead in the race. In civil public sector, the journey is assured to the Joint Secretary level while perks and privileges remain attractive at all levels.

In contrast, the command & control needs of combat forces require them to have pyramid like structures. They have steep promotion ratios for engineers aspiring to be Colonels and equivalent. The adage goes to say that tens not making it are not inferior to the one who performed better under the circumstances. Most superseded officers find it embarrassing to continue as ranks displayed on shoulders play a significant part in fauji life. Even if they do wish, they can continue only as far as the rank permits - after all, we can’t have Generals commanding armies having Colonels originally senior to them.

Not all Colonel/ Captain/ Group Captain level officers leaving service are superseded. A significant number applies for relief on compassionate grounds on account of family problems and commitments that cannot be met while being in the highly demanding service life.

The fact is that a huge number of highly qualified/ experienced engineers, and above all extraordinary professionals, regularly come out of the armed forces. The industry hugely unaware of this potential is unable to tap this resource. Most industries often measure Ex-service officers with their potential to add to order book entries. Instead, companies need to employ Ex-service officers to blend seamlessly within their organizations.

The Armed Forces industry is not about officers or graduate engineers alone. The backbone, its technicians are a brand of their own rarely matched by anyone outside. I have worked with Air Force technicians for nearly four decades. I have no doubts that they are among the best in the country, if not the world. Unfortunately, many prospective employers see only security management roles for Ex-servicemen employment.

Here is a huge opportunity for the private sector industry in general, and one especially dealing with or initiating into the Defence domain.

The Defence R & D and manufacturing industry comprising DRDO, DGQA/ DGAQA and DPSUs has huge empires somewhat isolated from the Armed Forces. They have their own gaps in understanding the whole process of design & development to field trials & induction. Ex-servicemen retiring early can be an asset and should be absorbed. 

Subroto Bagchi in his book ‘The Professional’ distinguishes a true professional from the one only professionally skilled. These Ex-servicemen engineers and technicians are true professionals worthy of being ‘Make in India’ agents. They can be trusted to bring long term dividends – it is in their character to be long term loyalists!

                                                      Air Marshal PV Athawale PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)
                                                      Alumnus of IIT Roorkee and IIT Kharagpur
                                                      Former AOC-in-Chief of Maintenance Command, IAF


  1. Quite frankly I am not one who is very happy with what skills and professionalism on offer while in the service.But having read your piece what I did not agree to in my 25 years in the Air Force you have succeeded in nodding in acceptance.You have most convincingly put across the good and smart without being apologetic or trying to be marketing-savvy.Where I still reluctant to go along without being disloyal is the disconnect between the language and grammar of re-employment in the civil sector once one is out of the uniform.Your arguments though make The services a rich fish pond for those fishing for experience,talent and reliability. Wish those looking out a very cheering time...

  2. .Please ignore the above comment.The edited and completed version is this one.Thanks.Quite frankly I am not one who is very happy with what skills and professionalismI saw that was on offer while in the service.But having read your piece what I did not agree to in my 25 years in the Air Force you have succeeded in making me think otherwise,and nod in acceptance.You have most convincingly put across the good and smart without being apologetic or trying to be marketing-savvy.Where I still am reluctant to go along is ,without being disloyal is the prevailing disconnect between the language and grammar of re-employment in the civil sector once one is out of the uniform.Your arguments though make the services look to be an attractive and rich fish pond for thosehead-hunting for experience,talent and reliability. Anyways,Wish those looking out a very cheering time...
