Tuesday, April 9, 2024


अदृश्य कर्म अपार क्षमता

Posted to a Marut squadron early in Air Force life, I had Wg Cdr SS Ramdas (later Air Mshl) as my Chief Engineering Officer. As an AE(M) officer, on his chest he also wore a pilot’s brevet. He was also trained as a pilot and had the satisfaction of flying Hunters and Maruts in operational roles.

The whole environment at Jodhpur was invigorating - my Sqn Cdr and Flt Cdr, the leadership of sister squadrons, the engineering and logistics seniors, the administrative staff, Met, ATC, Education, fighter controllers in the two SUs, smart Docs, high-caliber pilots, navigators from the Comm Flt, and an extraordinary bunch of airmen. I had instantly come to love this environment, as my very own Indian Air Force.

Wg Cdr Ramdas’s professional excellence was immensely inspiring. Like many others, I had also begun dreaming to be a pilot like him. However, sadly, the scheme of training engineers as pilots was stopped. To be a Flt Signaller seemed extremely pale in comparison to being a pilot. But on realising the impact of it as I matured, I couldn’t thank Wg Cdr Ramdas enough for motivating me to be an air crew in any available role. Early dreams aside, I was an engineer and enjoyed performing the role for which I had joined the Air Force.

Don’t we have an excellent branch/ trade structure, where each role, although confined within its limits, is as important as any other. Those earnestly performing their respective functions are genuinely admired as professionals. The flying branch officers have always been the icons. However, examples of some of the other outstanding professionals have also been etched in my memory. Here are just a few:-

Ø  One of my most revered senior cricketers, Sqn Ldr Ashok Rai (Late Air Cmde AK Rai) was an extremely committed Accts Offr. As O i/c Officers’ Pay Section at Pune, he followed a unique method of responding to the clientele. In those days without computers and photocopiers, he kept cyclostyled templates of letters to AFCAO/ HQ CAC. Any officer approaching him with a problem, was asked to stay back for 5 more minutes, just in case a clarification was necessary. Over one such cyclostyled sheet, Sqn Ldr Rai wrote a quick letter by hand and the job was done! His clerk had to only file the carbon copy and dispatch the letter.

Ø  “Can’t forget that bad weather day when a brilliant controller, Ajit Sane recovered me on GCA”, recalls one of my friends.

Ø  Sitting behind the controllers during Auto CRC and IACCS developmental trials had me in awe of the fighter controllers for the kind of professionalism they displayed. No wonder they are a hugely respected lot.

Ø  The RCPO engineers had carried out an amazing job of commissioning state-of-the-art radars and communications network. They were way ahead of their times. Although some of the brilliant Signals officers happily retired at middle levels, they were professionally unparalleled in the country, and truly admired.

Ø  Our SAM II and SAM III engineers were true professionals, trained and adept at both the roles of operation and maintenance, and ready to go!

Ø  MWO KPK Menon (later HFL) was a quiet Flt Engineer on Super Connies. The Flt Engineer’s role was extremely important. While one of the pilots could also get up from his seat to visit the loo, the Flt Engineer’s station couldn’t be left unattended even for a minute. We used to carry all double crew on long cross-country commitments like Car Nicobar Couriers. However, towards the fag end of the fleet of two aircraft, with no training for newcomers possible, MWO Menon was the only Flt Engineer left. Even as the oldest member of the crew, he firmly carried on, keeping the Super Connie flight going. He was most deservedly awarded the Vayu Sena Medal.

Ø  Our technicians are outstanding and are comparable with the best anywhere. Airmen taking on the other functions are no less! Flt Sgt Govindrajalu Fit-I and MWO RS Kulhari Clk/GD, from my first and the last postings respectively, covered a whole spectrum of my extraordinarily committed colleagues.

Ø  अदृश्य कर्म अपार क्षमताmeaning “Invisible Work Unlimited Capability” was the motto with which we had started the Software Development Institute on 27 Jan 92. SDI’s unseen Software Engineers have most innovatively indigenised and upgraded avionics software for almost all combat fleets enhancing the combat potential of Air Force.

The ancient Varna system had unfortunately got corrupted over time. However, the fundamental principles of classification of the society were well intended, where the offsprings were not compelled to remain within the confines of parental functions. I see a happy parallel in the Air Force. Officers’ children opt to join the Air Force in different branches depending on their own aptitude and qualifications. And we do have airmen’s children getting commissioned and rising to the highest levels.

Every role is vital, and appreciating others’ roles helps one strive to be a true professional. This is best described by what Air Mshl Ramdas says, “Having also been a pilot only made me a better engineer!”

Jai Hind !!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I remember the venerable Marquez, who reflected and wrote something like as paraphrased here - it is not what happened in your earlier years that makes one what you are.But how you see it looking back. The Air Marshal, as we all are familiar with, his diverse and long military journey put into words in the many different stories is a worthy testament to that great litterateur's quote. A wide array of drives,cuts,pulls off a straight pen is how he bats while surveying instinctively with his mental map of a 70 yard grassy field in the skies above or the ground below. Everyone who makes the different elements of a force is remembered with fondness and affection.There may be those reading who might have cause to disagree with the "the caste system".But that would be their story to tell.
    I'm happy and gushing after the read.It is just not important, that I disagree, with how he signs off on his experiences.
    As an afterthought, I was lucky to have served a CO who came from the stable of the Superconnies - Gp Capt Pradeep Bhagat.He is a very fine officer now a Veteran.

  3. Wonderful article sir. You have correctly highlighted the contributions of few of the invisible heroes. There are many such heroes who always remain under the cloud but continue to work. My salute to them.

  4. Very well written article capturing all those fond memories of our time in the IAF. What is also so good is the ability of Air Marshal’s recall of the names including airmen. All in all, enjoyed reading it👍🏼👍🏼🌺🌺

  5. Gp Capt Shri KrishanMay 2, 2024 at 12:06 AM

    Wonderful Article Sir and vivid narrative of the day today activities and action of The ACCOUNT OFFICER was very inspiring. You are the Professional Par EXCELLENCE SIR.
