Friday, March 22, 2024


Rank mein kya rakhaa hai !

A young Major undergoing staff Course at DSSC was ecstatic about having met Retired Wg Cdr Rakesh Sharma. I had to politely enlighten him that there was nothing like a Retd Wg Cdr or a Retd Col. He had met Wg Cdr Rakesh Sharma, the IAF veteran, celebrity astronaut and the recipient of the highest peacetime gallantry award, the 'Ashoka Chakra'.

A Major is a Major after retirement and even after his demise. While writing names formally, to differentiate them from the serving officers, one is advised to write a name as “Col AB Cee SM, VSM (Retd)”. However, it is not mandatory to always suffix a name with (Retd).

Military officers are uniquely entitled to use last held ranks with names for life. These are ranks or titles and not appointments or awards. Appointments and awards are not to be used as titles. Therefore, prefixing names with ‘Captain’ (for a former airlines or shipping captain), ‘IG’ (for a former IG Police), ‘Professor’ (for a former Professor), ‘Ambassador’ (for a former Ambassador), ‘Padma Vibhushan’ or ‘Maha Vir Chakra’ (for respective awardees), are all inappropriate usages. On the other hand, ‘Colonel AB Cee’ is the entitled and authorised usage and calling someone a Retired Colonel is disrespectful.

Some veterans who retired early and went on to hold senior appointments in civilian life, chose to distance themselves from their ranks but not entirely from the fauji aura and all its benefits. “Rank mein kya rakhaa hai?”, they said, “The Lt Col has retired, I haven't.” As something of a middle ground, they started writing their names inappropriately as Lt Col (Retd) XY Zee. As an aberration, it is now common to hear a veteran Colonel being introduced as a Retired Colonel.

Unfortunately, our own military establishments also write names of veterans inappropriately. My recent X-ray from the MH has boldly etched on it, my name as “Retd Air Mshl”. The service establishments need to be advised about the correct practice. Why, you may ask, is this important? It is, because only in our fauj can an Air Chief be seen saluting a Wg Cdr, as his revered senior. In the civilian world, a serving or retired CMD or CEO does not acknowledge a retired executive for his/her seniority. Also, a retired CMD does not represent the company after he/she has stepped down. This is very different from the ethos of the armed forces. 

Rank mein kya rakhaa hai, is right, in that a Colonel served the country, as did a General. It is not the rank but our fauji values that are special. For the most part, veterans are glorious ambassadors of the fauj, however long they served. And we recognise each other for it until the day we die. Introducing our ranks with pride and accuracy reflects that ethos of military life. This is something to be cherished and perhaps even shared with the world.

Air Mshl PV Athawale


  1. Thanks Pramod. The privilege of holding to our ranks in perpetuity is enshrined in the Constitution Of India (Article 18 - (1) No title, not being a military or academic distinction, shall be conferred by the State. (2) No citizen of India shall accept any title from any foreign State).

    It is the office of CDS which should take the lead in this matter and promulgate the correct nomenclature for ranks and decorations for officers who are no longer in service. I have seen the words 'Emeritus' and 'Veteran' being added by retirees to their names. These are neither appropriate nor authorised by statute and should not be used.

    1. Thank you, Sir, for your valuable comments.
      I have been a fan of your clear and concise writing. The recent clarifications about Gnat’s performance have been super.
      Warmest regards,

    2. Thanks, brother for enlightenment, continue to use VSM .

    3. Great write-up on a very current topic Sir. Even Faujis need to be enlightened on this aspect 🙏👍🇮🇳

  2. Thought-provoking! I for one, have chosen to use the term “Veteran” at the end of my name. Once a soldier, always a soldier. I have re-attired for the time being. Will retire only when friends carry me on their shoulders before the last long journey. 🙏

  3. A Armed Forces officer holds the rank till he dies.

  4. Surely,the questions posed re-raises some feelings and doubts about things I had given a disturbed burial to.Having left service prematurely,I used to find my rank prefixed, loud in the civil setups(no pun intended).In my little life I felt most used their ranks to exercise a kind of extended entitlement,most undeservedly.While,some or more correctly few were humbly were shedding their extra plumes and reducing their needs with growing age.
    That said,I recall remembering the radical decision of the highest Court (as brought out in a comment above)wherein the Rajahs and Princes were directed by law to do away with their colonial plumages which were not in consonance with the spirit of the Constitution of India and the need for "justice social,economic and political."
    Those were the days of Mrs Gandhi and now of course the ubiquitous Mr Modi.History therefore,would be an added reason to that much debated feeling of entitlement or hubris.I'd rather hide behind the confusion I dwell in on the issue.
    But,it is true that I find jawan,soldier, Officer,Uniform being loosely used, under active promotion of the different ministries of the present day Cabinet for the members of CAPF disturbing,motivated,and mischievous.These days the military instead stands abused during their Counter-Insurgency roles alongside their lesser counterparts of the CAPF for their actions of omission and commission.The military under the current dispensation is being made to look smaller and badder while the para-military bigger and better.
    Yes,it is a conundrum much like the Russian Dolls.One leads to another in a maze.To me the military is at the crossroads as never before. Innocent emotions or privileges have become entwined with much larger problems that threaten the basis of its pristine values and cherished ethos.

  5. From General to soldier, all contribute their bit with dedication irrespective of the rank they are holding. On retiring , its a matter of pride and personal satisfaction to display the Rank which is also a matter of right constitutionally. It’s heartening to note that the younger generation currently in service do respect the veterans when ever they interact unlike in civil services where I noticed people don’t care once the individual leaves the chair or retires Faujis are still holding on to their dear values and principles passed on from generation to generation I am sure it continues
    As rightly brought out by Air-marshal, Rank never retires and for that matter soldier never retires from heart. So addressing ‘Retired colonel or so and so’ is totally incorrect and need to be addressed or educated at every level including at personal level where many still write them off 😋 as retired !!
    Very Good article and I say Rank me sab kuch hai pride hai Abhiman hai aur jindagi ka maksad hai
    Nunna Ramesh

  6. Sir, so rightly brought out. I have been well aware of the right procedure of how military officers be addressed after retirement being a second generation officer and feel pained at the way it is being distorted due to ignorance. There have been numerous letters on the subject being published from time to time by Army HQ however awareness is lacking in most civil organisations on the correct procedure for addressing retired military officers.

  7. Interesting topic for discussion and important one as we are the only one authorised to use last rank held as per constitution. We must use it proudly till name remains on any paper( for pension or family pension) and educate all that rank never retires …

  8. Order of the day. Put it very rightly and to be aware of what is right is as important as the entitlement. Well brought out Sir ji.


  9. Letter dated 15 May 2023 was issued on the subject from Presidents' Secretariat to the Govt of India!
    *Rank is the most honoured privilege for the uniformed Defence Person* You are very Right Sir - RANK MEIN HEE SAB-KUCHH HEI! 🙏🇮🇳🙏

  10. Very rightly put. I had gone through the comments also. My only additional comment is that I differ on the comments on the respect one gets after retirement from civil life. Yes, Armed Forces treats our veterans very well. But in the civil life also one can earn respect. After serving 35 years in IAF, I worked as CEO of a medium sized Civil Engineering Contracting company. for more than 14 years. I finally voluntarily retired from the Company , a day prior to my 73rd birth day. It is now 4 years plus since I had retired. I carry on getting courtesy calls from a number of my engineers, and the Directors of the company, still send me X' mas and New Year gifts. Well, I am very thankful to the IAF for the training and experience, which stood with me all those 14 years. You can definitely earn respect if you help the other employees and solve their problems, We in IAF do that daily, but in most of the private companies, this is a neglected subject. Also you have much more financial powers to reward monetarily those who does commendable jobs. You can definitely earn respect even in civil life after retirement if we treat the employees well, irrespective of their positions in the company.

  11. Using rank after retirement gives you responsibility to carry it well. As rightly said sir, the soldier retires, not the rank.

  12. Gp Capt ( Dr) Umesh Chandra PrasadMarch 23, 2024 at 10:43 AM

    Very nicely written article. We all have fighting sprit in us and depending upon opportunity, surroundings, enemies caliber etc etc we continue ahead.
    I also agree that soldiers live with their rank every where in service till death. So basically we are soldier first . This is the speciality grilled in-our brain and it never dies. Anyone likes it or not.
    But Facts remains “Rank Me Kya Rakha Hai “.

  13. Aye Aye Sir. Absolutely on spot. Couldn't agree more.

  14. Great Sir, The JOSH remains till the last day, ready to serve when called upon to do so. Alas, rank has somehow been linked to pay and that even has resulted in sub classification of ranks...some boisterous and some comical. Big Salute for the write up Sir.

  15. I retired from corporate world as General Manager recently but can’t prefix/suffix this designation whereas proudly I have been using Major ahead of my name during corporate service and will continue in my life time and even after my demise I will be known as a Major. We are proud of our rank. Jai Hind 🫡

  16. Rank is a well earned honour. It is also a great responsibility. We need to be role models. It is sad to see a few of our fellow veterans make a mockery of their rank in public. I took PMR and carved out a different identity but I still carry my rank with pride.


  18. Air Cmde LS Ruprai (Retd)March 24, 2024 at 8:31 AM

    Exceptionally good article sir. In fact this topic has been discussed earlier in various forams. The clarity in your article is crisp and to the point.
    Hats off to you sir.

  19. Rank remains with soldiers till a soldier is dead even after death it will me with late but with Rank it constitutionaly entitlement and a earned Rank throughout world Rank are known you may retire but earned Rank will never will never retired

  20. Recently someone had forwarded a copy of letter issued by President’s secretariat about the correct way of using word Retired in respect of Ex servicemen. The example given was Col ABCD VSM (Retd) instead of Col (Retd) ABCD VSM. Two clarifications- Is it mandatory to write Retd when one is no longer in service ( seems logical). Second, when is it appropriate to use Veteran with your name. AFA uses Veteran with rank and name instead of Retd.

    1. One is a retired Army officer, but not a retired Colonel.
      One is a former Army Commander, but not a former or retired Lt Gen.

      Col ABCD VSM (Retd) is correct - Formal and explicit, not be mistaken as a serving officer.

      Col ABCD VSM is also correct. Two examples:-
      (1) In 2013, while writing the foreword for my book, Air Chief Mshl OP Mehra asked me to cut the suffix (Retd). His signature block read as follows:-
      Air Chief Marshal OP Mehra PVSM
      Former Chief of Air Staff, IAF
      (2) An ID Card (to be worn around the neck) was sent to me along with an invite from MOD for Aero India 2017 (I had retired in 2011). The Card had my name as follows:-

      About 10 years ago, the Air Force Association began writing names as ‘Veteran Gp Capt AB Cee VSM’. That was purely via media, so as not to write (Retd) and at the same time indicate that the Gp Capt was not a serving officer. This has no official sanction.

  21. While there has been an extensive & exhaustive debate on the subject, there isn't an iota of doubt and a foregone conclusion that, "Rank mein hi sab kuch rakha hai".
    With that, having been decided upon, I would like to enlighten the envt, to further reiterate the fact that "Rank mein hi.....rakha hai", AFs pers are permitted to wear their uniform even after their retirement, with the last rank held. There are a dozen occasions when this can be done, without raising an eyebrow.

    The auth is found in
    Defence Service Regulations,
    Vol II, Chapter XV, Para 666, which mention this privilege, honour & pride to don your uniform even after retirement.

    So, for all those who feel strongly about" Rank mein hi sab kuch rakha hai", rush out and get your No1, with all your accoutrements, that you had donned with pride while in Service.

  22. Wg Cdr JD Sumanth (Retd)
    Pre-mature retiree from IAF & 17 years in civil Airlines as a Captain puts me in a Dilemma what rank should I use ? Wg Cdr is not even a selection rank now and Capt (Army) is a junior Captain Navy is senior. Airline Capt is a rank only inside the Aircraft.
    Once while traveling in another Airline I wrote a good feedback about their in-flight service. This got published in their in-flight it had no rank against my name. Very soon I got messages from Army Airforce Navy mine & other Airlines saying they read my feedback. Rank or no rank it's always your reputation that follows you.
    Meeting Athawale Sir at a Golf Dinner squeezed my hand with great warmth for all who shake hands with him would know. He said JD, Athawale!! that's what I would describe as a straight bat cricketer & an Air Marshall.

  23. Gp Capt Shailendra MohanMarch 25, 2024 at 10:21 PM

    Very topical.There are different views on how to write a rank after retirement.There is no consensus at present.In civil,a retired professor prefixes his name with Prof and and an Ambassador as Ambassador ABC.In Air Force Association and its magazine AFA News,we have started prefixing Veteran before the rank.To me, this seems to be quite appropriate.

  24. Hi Pramod, well explained. You deservedly earned the rank of Air Mshl, and are entitled to keep using it forever. Regards, Anant Nerurkar.

  25. Your write up is true & valid ,to the core . However we are in our twilight years & such conundrum means little to us , at this stage

  26. Very nicely explained article. But I read some where that FM Sam Manakshaw had Sai that all officers are equal and the ranks are only for smooth functioning of the organisation, while carrying out the ofiicial duties.

    I feel we are kept busy by these small issues rather than taking up the good of esm that suffer due to defective policies of govt.

  27. An excellent explanation. The Military Ranks earned by soldiers are notified in gazette by the President of India, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Moreover, Article 18 Constitution of India entitled prefixing Military Ranks as a Title with the nome. Jai Hind.

  28. Lucidly highlighted the importance of the rank for all those in service ,retd and for the civilians and Politicians consumption

  29. Very nicely articulated. Keep writing God bless

  30. The biggest discrimination is within our service only where an officer is promoted specifically as Col (TS) .. and treated at par with Lt Col when it comes to giving duties.. There's a separate seating for this Col, there are GSO level duties for this Col...and this Col is addressed as Col (TS) as if to remind him daily that he is not at par. This Col (TS) does the same night duty as what a GSO 1 posted in the same HQ does. So when the rot is there right within the system, why look far.
