Friday, March 13, 2020


Once in Blue, always so! A veteran may be a little handicapped in physical ability, but, he is never short of enthusiasm and a will to contribute. Given a choice, each one of  the  veterans   will opt   for  being  in Blues  figuratively, to join  hands  with    those doing something worthwhile for the nation. Has India  fallen short of  harnessing such a massive strength of her veterans? The troubled  times  today  bring   home this harsh reality more than ever before. My story ‘Bharat Jagega’ at has been about the veterans’ tremendous potential for making Bharat Mahan.

The veteran Air Force officers formed an informal group ‘Men In Blue’ recently in Hyderabad. All those who were available came together for a glass of Beer, without any other agenda on 6th March 2020. A good thought by the former Air Chief, Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne, that was perfectly executed by AVM Sagar Bharti and Wg Cdr Anil Chopra.

The highlights of the day were that there were no highlights! Everyone went back from the gathering exuberant after meeting friends and sharing old memories.

Some of those who had retired before the Air Force uniforms turned blue, were especially proud to wear Blue Civvies for this gathering. There were others who, in younger days avoided the AOC for being pointed out for long hair, seemed to have visited a saloon recently.

It’s been a tremendous start, bringing joy to the ‘Men In Blue’. Hereon, the strength of these veterans can play bigger roles bringing peace and happiness on a larger scale.

Touch The Sky With Glory!


  1. It was my bad luck that I missed the first gathering of "Men in Blue" on 06 March, due to a more personal and important committment at Odisha. I am sure that the next one will be celebrated with much more enthusiasm and fervour. Proud that I am part of this group called "Men in Blue'.

  2. Very well summarised the essence of the first gathering of MIB. It was very nostalgic to meet some comrades after decades. Rekindled the memories of our exciting life in the IAF. Will never trade this for anything else. Very proud to be part of this group. Keep flying higher & higher in your chosen field, and wish the same for your family members.

  3. Missed this great event. Happy to be member of this wonderful group. 100% will join the next get-together. Cheers

  4. Happy to read this. Congratulations Sir.
