Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Trend Setter RM

The Armed Forces looking for courage and commitment from the political leadership have been regularly disappointed since independence. The steady degradation and disregard of the armed forces has now become a standard. One doesn’t know where the flash point is – we would be in danger of grave consequences if the armed forces give up saying, “So be it!”

Hon’ble Raksha Mantri, Smt Nirmala Sitharaman has made a positive move to get close to the armed forces - starting with visits to forward army posts in Nov ’17, through a day on board INS Vikramaditya on 9th Jan culminating in flying the mighty Sukhoi 30 MKI. This display of commitment would certainly have gladdened the hearts of soldiers.

Some may say that flying a fighter jet within a limited envelope is as safe and comfortable as flying an airliner. Yet, her flying a Sukhoi has been a matter of being with the troops as well as that of courage. If not for that, doesn’t it amaze the nation to know that glamorous cricketers, who have been awarded honorary ranks, have dodged all such offers?

We may recall a similar courageous act on the part of Mr. George Fernandez, who flew an ageing Mig-21 when the fleet was dubbed as “Flying Coffins”.

One should never have any doubt about the fact that politicians have tremendous courage. But for that, they would be doing salaried jobs like us. What doesn’t always match the courage is the conviction and as a consequence the commitment. That is the job of everyone placed under the purview to convince the leader about the reality. That, in essence is the basis of optimism in the armed forces for they see a trace of commitment along with the display of solidarity.

The armed forces would wish her to now proceed to action areas which make a direct impact. In any system all problems originate from one or a few constraints. In the case of armed forces, it simply is timely procurements and projects’ execution”!

If a Raksha Mantri can ensure that “within the budget constraints, giving due priority to Make in India, armed forces would be given what they need, in time, without being questioned and delayed by those who understand little” – her job is done!

-      So, let her not get run down by the bureaucracy.
-    Every procurement/ modernisation project scheme must have two planned dates of completion (PDCs) boldly marked on the file cover – one for the placement of orders and the other for availability with the fleet.
-       Let the RM periodically review cases, the only yardstick being time to go to PDCs.
-       Begin with a review of all ongoing cases.
-  Assign back to bureaucrats the responsibility for hurdles and delays – solutions will emerge.

The armed forces and citizens of India have high hopes from the current leadership.
Jai Hind!


  1. Dear Sir,

    You have most aptly brought out the experience and wisdom of serving IAF for around four decades in very subtle manner.

    Hope current dispensation absorbs these points to leverage Armed Forces cause towards national security.

    Warm regards.


  2. Very well written sir. Hopefully her rigour stays and converts into betterment of procurement of weapons badly required. If she can keep the PDCs irrespective of the bureaucracy, then it would be commendable and of course a great help for the armed forces to upgrade their weapon systems which is badly needed.

  3. Excellent article sir
    It is extremely difficult to change the bureaucracy however it would be prudent to induct few serving/Retd Officers in Mod.This would expedite the process of decision making.

  4. Dear Sir
    Thanks for highlighting the conviction & commitment.Todays leaders should commit themselves to what they say, then make in india will be a success. I wish the politicians overcome the burocratic hurdles to take the nation forward.

  5. Dear Sir
    Indeed an apt article for today's Defence procurement scenarios...I hope the First Lady Defence Minister gets a glimpse of your blog to spearhead her in the right path in making prudent decisions for the National Security.

    views of absorbing few Serving /Retd officers in MoD maybe a wise thought. Warm regards

  6. Dear Sir
    Indeed an apt article for today's Defence procurement scenarios...I hope the First Lady Defence Minister gets a glimpse of your blog to spearhead her in the right path in making prudent decisions for the National Security.

    views of absorbing few Serving /Retd officers in MoD maybe a wise thought. Warm regards

  7. Dear Sir,
    Very well brought out the value of time in Defence procurement. Delayed procurement degrade and weakens the power of a soldier. Hope Bureaucrats also will realize the value of strength in exercising the Will of the Nation.

  8. You have very correctly pointed out the lacuna in our system. But, yes, if the political leadership is strong enough to tackle & overcome the bureaucracy most of the problem will be solved. This will apply to all areas of concern in our Country. The present leadership definitely shows signs of that ever required strong mindset & everyone hopes that it takes our Country on the right track.Though we have a history of derailments.

  9. Very apt sir. The RMs moves have created a positive buzz among troops. Down the line we all are at least convinced of her intentions. What armed forces and it's personnel are expecting is what is due to them, respectfully. And not any favours from anyone.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Respected sir, I remember your article w.r.t Make in India about an year ago.Though I partiality agreed then but now I fully in agreement. As far as PDCs are concerned , the vendors are more comfortable with LD as is already catered.Probably the answer is to cater this delay in our provisioning or procurement system including the delays by MoD.However this also is not possible as MoD takes 20 Years to decide what to buy and when.Mmrca and howitzers are examples. A very relevant and Apt article. Regards. Dil manage more from you. Sanyog

  12. Contd... From Sanyog. So accordingly we should have projected rent of MMRCA in 1960 and FGFA in 1965
