Saturday, June 18, 2022



Politics is at its lowest ebb.. riots and dharnas, Bharat Band and Rasta Roko have not been representative of the people but of mischievous intentions of the rogues in politics and the anti-national elements.

The recent reactions to the Agniveer scheme resulting in massive national losses  besides creating disturbances around the country have been shameful occurrences of such malicious designs totally against national interests.

And what has been most distressing is the fact that besides wrong negative elements the unrest has been fueled by irresponsible writing by many senior military veterans.

One may now realise that a few veterans who are known to write well unfortunately always see the negatives.. they never write anything positive about the current system. It is easy to write anything as a criticism. Some of the best selling articles are criticisms about everything that is bad in India. It sells well in even in the foreign media while also being disproportionately highly paid.

Many countries have had the scheme of conscription.. Well-meaning Indians have often wished to have something similar.. It has only remained a dream.. that can never happen in India. However, when we get something by which we can inculcate discipline in a large number of youth, we quickly begin to search for the negatives.

We have had short service for officers.. We have also had shorter terms of engagement for the other ranks. Armed forces need such exits. If not four years, will six or eight or ten be adequate? There is no end to these questions. Yes, the short service military men should be well absorbed in government services and paramilitary/ police establishments. Those arguments should be certainly raised. However, this 4 years scheme also appears to have its own positives while being accompanied by its own challenges.. What is life without challenges?

The key question being raised is that 4 years period is too short for any worthwhile training and contribution by the Agniveers. After all what great skill level is an army jawan at 2 years of service anyway. Except for the technicians (especially the Air Force), the skill level is of no relevance for anyone. Yes, the four year period is certainly good.

 The youth is being misguided that they would be left to fend for themselves without reasonable prospects to do well in life. Well, the  people on dharnas are unfortunately paid to assemble rather than having to understand and identify with a reason. Let us look at this scheme as a well-paid four-year course. At the end of four years, the man coming out of the armed forces will be a far more equipped person, with better values and will be well sought after by the employers. On the other hand, for the nation, these men going out of the armed forces will be a huge asset to enhance nationalistic fervor in the society.

The critics say that it has been thrust down by the politicians or the bureaucrats.. who knows? The services must have spent a lot of time thinking about the merits and demerits including the ‘how’ to do it. The services chiefs maintain that they have assessed the scheme well. But the critics don't believe them.

We the veterans must understand that we haven't been the wisest to have donned the military uniform😊

Pramod Athawale