Thursday, June 30, 2016

Keep the Bat Straight, Always 

“If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”
                                                      -  Zig Ziglar

As I padded up to open batting for my first Inter-University cricket match, I was so elated at having achieved something special that I forgot about the job of scoring runs. Likewise after publishing one book, the fire within could easily get extinguished. Not surprisingly, therefore, as ‘Indian Air Force: The Maintenance Paradigm’ went to print, Air Commodore Jasjit Singh, the Director General, Centre for Air Power Studies prodded me “This is only the beginning”. “What’s the next subject?” he asked.  Little did I know that a one off venture would end up getting extended - I had been bitten by the CAPS’ bug!

Like all batsmen getting anxious to get off the mark, a long wait before the first book reaching stands was nervy. The interregnum gave me an opportunity to delve deeper into the ‘Theory of Constraints’ and its ‘Thinking Process’. Discussions with friends, writing small columns and interaction with management students helped me to understand the virtue of writing and sharing thoughts.

After 38 years with IAF, life completely changed on retirement in 2011. Chasing targets and frequently proving worth on every new assignment were things of the past - there was time to think. Can I now think more clearly than before about issues unresolved in my own time as well as about some of the current happenings in the wide arena of interest? Yes, in 2nd innings, this time to think is invaluable. While I have been writing for others, I realise that it’s good time to post thoughts on my blog and share with others in a more effective way.

Late Air Commodore Jasjit Singh had once passed on to me the mantra he had received from Marshal of The Air Force. He said “We have made our mistakes; the current generation is entitled to make their own - decision making lies in their domain”.

Many others may be equally (if not more) passionate - I wish to think, analyse and convey with respect and regard to all.

Play it with a straight bat - I will, as I have always done!

                                              Air Mshl PV Athawale PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd)
                                              Former AOC-in-C Maintenance Command IAF